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Electric Vehicle Incentives and Programs


EV Purchase
Clean Vehicle Credit
(for personal use and business use)

Agency: U.S. Internal Revenue Service
Keywords: Tax Credit, Clean Vehicles
About: Tax credit for qualified vehicles, including individual new clean vehicles, used vehicles, and commercial vehicles.


EV Infrastructure: DCFC + Level 2
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program

Agency: USDOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Keywords: Formula Grant, National Network
About: It provides funding to states to deploy EV charging stations along designated FHWA Alternative Fuel Corridors.

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants

Agency: USDOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Keywords: Discretionary Grants, Community Network
About: Grants for deploying publicly accessible electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in the urban and rural areas along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors.


ENERGY STAR Requirements for EV Chargers

Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Keywords: Safety, EV Chargers
About: To ensure your charger meets safety standards, choose one that has earned the ENERGY STAR label to make the environmental benefits and cost savings efficiently.


EV Transition on Fleet
Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program

Agency: USDOT Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Keywords: Fund, Bus Facilities
About: The grants aims to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses, vans, and related equipment, and to construct low or zero emission bus facilities.

Grants for Clean School Bus Program

Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Keywords: Equity, Class 6 or 7 school buses (Heavy-duty)
About: Funds for the replacement of existing school buses with clean, alternative fuel school buses or zero emission school buses.



EV Purchase
Charge NY: Drive Clean Rebate for Electric Cars Program

Agency: NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
Keywords: State incentives, Light-duty
About: The Charge NY initiative offers electric car buyers the Drive Clean Rebate of up to $2,000 for new car purchases or leases.

Truck Voucher Incentive Program (NYTVIP)

Keywords: Fleets, Medium-/Heavy-Duty, Trucks, Transit Buses
About: NYTVIP provides vouchers, or discounts, to fleets across NYS that purchase or lease medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles.


Zero-emission Vehicle (ZEV) Goals/Requirements

Agency: The New York State Senate
Keywords: Laws and Regulations, transition on vehicle purchase
About: The New York Consolidated Laws elaborated a goal of fully transition on zero-emission vehicles usage.

Municipal Zero-emission Vehicle (ZEV) Program

Agency: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Keywords: Municipal Fleets
About: The program offers rebates to municipalities for the purchase or lease of eligible ZEVs and grants for purchase for municipal fleets.


EV Infrastructure: DCFC + Level 2
EVolve NY

Agency: New York Power Authority (NYPA)
Keywords: DCFC, Main Corridors
About: EVolve NY works for building a public network of reliable fast charging stations along main corridors and at large airports.

ChargeReady NY 2.0

Keywords: Incentive, Level 2 EV, DACs Consideration
About: Offers incentives to public, private, and not-for-profit organizations that install Level 2 EV charging stations at workplaces, multi-unit dwellings, or public facilities.


EV Make-Ready Program

Agency: Joint Utilities of New York
Keywords: Incentive, EVSE, Utility Program
About: Support the development of electric infrastructure by reducing the upfront costs of building EV chargers. Customers must work with an approved electrical (i.e. Con Edison, Central Hudson) contractor to participate in.


EV Transition on Fleet
NY School Bus Incentive Program

Keywords: School Bus
About: The program accelerate the deployment of zero-emission school buses and charging infrastructures throughout NYS to fulfil the goal of entire school buses transitione to zero emission by 2035.


Citywide (New York City)

EV Infrastructure: DCFC + Level 2
Curbside Level 2 Charging Pilot

Agency: New York City DOT
Keywords: Level 2, Curbside
About: Collaborated with Con Edison, NYC installed 100 Level 2 charging ports for the public to use at curbside locations across the five boroughs.

Publicly Accessible DCAS Electric (EV) Chargers

Agency: NYC DCAS (Citywide Administrative Services)
Keywords: Fleet Chargers, Public Use
About: An initial trial program to offer general public access to fleet chargers located in publicly accessible locations.


EV Transition on Fleet
The Green Rides Initiative

Agency: NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC)
Keywords: ZEV, rideshare, for-hire vehicle
About:It requires New York City’s rideshare trips to be conducted by either zero-emission or wheelchair accessible vehicles by 2030.

MTA Zero-Emission Transition Plan

Agency: Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
Keywords: Bus Fleet, Foundational Strategy
About:MTA Transition Strategy commits to decarbonize its bus fleet and fully transition to ZEVs by 2040. The plan has three major sections: fleet, facilities, and workforce.


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